Configure PXE Booting on pfSense

Nowadays is pretty uncommon to setup a workstation/laptop, and installing a Linux distro using a CD is even less frequent. Today we had to setup a workstation that we use to run some tests - we need a a bare metal server for these tests - and none of us had an USB stick, neither a DVD Writer :)

How to install an operating system in the era of cloud? Easily, with PXE and pfSense!

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{: #pxe}

What is PXE? How does boot from LAN actually works?

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Configure the Workstation

This step is easy: simply configure the workstation to boot from LAN!

{: #setup-pfsense-dhcp-tftp}

Setup pfSense

pfSense is an open source firewall/router computer software distribution based on FreeBSD. It’s functionalities can be extended thanks to its plugin system

To use our pfSense box as a boot server, we need to

  • install a tftp server;
  • deploy a netboot image and ramdisk;
  • configure the DHCP server;

No worries, it is easier that it seems!

Install a tftp server

Open the pfSense admin dashboard and navigate to System -> Package Manager

In the Available packages menu, search tftp.

{% include blog/figure.html img=“pfsense_install_tftp.png” alt=“Install TFTP server package in pfSense” caption=“Search and intstall the TFTP package” %}

Next, refresh the page and enable the TFTP server: Select Service -> TFTP Server and check the Enable TFTP Service checkbox.

{: #deploy-netboot-image }

Upload a NetBoot image

We choosed to install Ubuntu 18.04. Find the URL where to download the netboot iso. In our case, the URL is and the image name is netboot.tar.gz.

The image must be uploaded in pfSense. Download the tar acrhive and uncompress it locally. Now you have to copy the contents o the tar archive in the root of yout tftp server. A simple way is to SSH in the pfSense box and to download and extract the tar archive directly in the /tftpboot directory.

Configure the DHCP

Set in the DHCP options the TFTP server and the image to use to boot theservers. Select Services -> DHCP Server and scroll at the bottom of the page.

Set the following configurations:

  • TFTP Server AND Next server: the ip address of the pfSense box;
  • Default BIOS file name: the image youwant to use, pxelinux.0 in our case;
  • Enable the Enable network booting checkbox;

{: #done }


That’s it! Now boot your workstation, and install the operating system!