Monitoring pFsense with Cloud Graphite

How to collect usage metrics from pfSense and send them to a Graphite-compatible backend

This post is specifically for Grafana Cloud, the mmetrics-as-a-service platform that gives you a fully managed Grafana dashboard with a Graphite-compatible backend

1. Install the Telegraf package for pfSense

Telegraf is an agent for collecting, processing, aggregating, and writing metrics.

Telegraf is already packaged for pfSense. Simply in the meu System/Packages and install it. {% include blog/figure.html img=“pfsense-telegraf.png” alt=“pfSense Telegraf package” caption=“Install the Telegraf package for pfSense” %}

2. Install the carbon-relay-ng package

carbon-relay-ng is a relay for carbon streams, in go. Like carbon-relay from the graphite project, except it supports Grafana Cloud authentication (and many other things….)

Unfortunately, there is no pre-built bianry for the FreeBSD/386 architecture. You can either pull the source code and build it, or use my UNOFFICIAL and USNUPPORTED build here

3. Configure carbon-relay and Telegraf plugin

Telegraf plugin

The configuration is straight-forward, just choose Graphite as the preferred output, and point Telegraf to the local carbon-relay-ng, by default it will be localhost:2003

{% include blog/figure.html img=“telegraf-config.png” alt=“pfSense Telegraf package configuration” caption=“Configure the Telegraf package to use Graphite on localhost:2003” %}


The configuration of carbon-relay-ng is straight forward, simply copy-pase the examples on your Grafana Cloud dashboards or uset the following snippets:


## Global settings ##
# instance id's distinguish stats of multiple relays.
# do not run multiple relays with the same instance id.
# supported variables:
#  ${HOST} : hostname
instance = "${HOST}"

## System ##
# this setting can be used to override the default GOMAXPROCS logic
# it is ignored if the GOMAXPROCS environment variable is set
max_procs = 2
pid_file = ""
# directory for spool files
spool_dir = "spool"

## Logging ##
# one of trace debug info warn error fatal panic
# see docs/ for level descriptions
# note: if you used to use "notice", you should now use "info".
log_level = "info"

## Inputs ##
### plaintext Carbon ###
listen_addr = ""
# close inbound plaintext connections if they've been idle for this long ("0s" to disable)
plain_read_timeout = "2m"
### Pickle Carbon ###
pickle_addr = ""
# close inbound pickle connections if they've been idle for this long ("0s" to disable)
pickle_read_timeout = "2m"

## Validation of inputs ##
# you can also validate that each series has increasing timestamps
validate_order = false

# How long to keep track of invalid metrics seen
# Useful time units are "s", "m", "h"
bad_metrics_max_age = "24h"

key = 'grafanaNet'
type = 'grafanaNet'
addr = ''
apikey = '28645:<Your API Key>'
schemasFile = '/etc/carbon-relay-ng/storage-schemas.conf'

## Instrumentation ##
# in addition to serving internal metrics via expvar, you can send them to graphite/carbon
# IMPORTANT: setting this to "" will disable flushing, and metrics will pile up and lead to OOM
# see
# so for now you MUST send them somewhere. sorry.
# (Also, the interval here must correspond to your setting in storage-schemas.conf if you use Grafana Cloud)
graphite_addr = "localhost:2003"
graphite_interval = 10000  # in ms


  pattern = .*
  retentions = 10s:1d

Configure rc

This is a baseline configuration for the rc init system. Save it in /etc/rc.d/carbon-relay-ng:


. /etc/rc.subr

# General Info
name="carbonrelayng"            # Safe name of program
program_name="carbon-relay-ng"   # Name of exec
title="carbon-relay-ng"          # Title to display in top/htop

# RC.config vars
load_rc_config $name



command_args="-r -t ${title} -u root -o ${output_file} -P ${pidfile} ${exec_path} "

# Loading Config
load_rc_config ${name}
run_rc_command "$1"

Now, carbon-relay-ng can be easily managed with /etc/init.d/carbon-relay-ng start|stop|enable